UK Market Fruit and Vegetable Report – August 2024


August is a prime month for the fruit and vegetable market in the UK, marked by a bounty of locally grown produce and ideal weather conditions. This period provides a diverse range of seasonal fruits and vegetables, ensuring consumers have access to fresh and top-quality options.

Key Highlights

  • Weather Impact: Continued warm and sunny conditions have boosted crop yields, enhancing the availability and quality of produce.
  • Local Produce: A wide variety of locally grown fruits and vegetables are in abundance, decreasing the need for imports and offering fresher choices for consumers.
  • Pricing Trends: Prices are generally stable, with some fluctuations influenced by supply and demand.

Fruit Market

  • Blackberries: Fully ripe blackberries are abundant, with great flavour and consistent prices.
  • Blueberries: The blueberry season is at its peak, resulting in plentiful supplies and competitive prices.
  • Figs: High-quality Black Mission and green figs are readily available, benefiting from favourable growing conditions.
  • Plums: Various plum varieties, including greengages, are in peak season, offering excellent taste and good value.
  • Peaches, Nectarines, and Apricots: These stone fruits are plentiful and flavourful, perfect for summer treats.
  • Melons: Watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydew melons are in ample supply, with excellent quality and reasonable prices, supported by imports from Spain and Italy.

Vegetable Market

  • Tomatoes: British tomatoes are in abundance, with a wide range of varieties available. Prices remain moderate with high quality.
  • Sweetcorn: Sweetcorn is at its best this month, providing excellent taste and affordability.
  • Peppers: Both locally grown and imported peppers are readily available, with stable prices.
  • Leafy Greens: Lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens are plentiful, with superior quality and affordable prices.
  • Root Vegetables: Carrots, potatoes, and beetroots are widely available, with consistent pricing compared to previous months.
  • Courgettes: Local courgettes continue to be in season, offering high quality and lower prices.
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower: Both are available in good quantities, with reasonable prices due to sufficient supply.
  • Beans: French beans and runner beans are in season, offering fresh and affordable choices.
  • Aubergine: Aubergines are abundant, with good quality and stable prices.


Seasonal Shopping: Take advantage of the peak season for blackberries, stone fruits, melons, sweetcorn, and tomatoes. These are at their prime in terms of flavour and price.


August is an excellent time for fresh produce in the UK, with a diverse array of fruits and vegetables available at competitive prices. The favourable weather and peak harvest season make it an ideal time for consumers to enjoy high-quality, locally grown produce.